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About The CV Job

We aim to create job-winning resumes for candidates across the globe. At the outset, the best person to writing your resume is “You”. After all, none would know your career and the value of your contributions better than you. All it needs is a critical analysis of information, a professional tone, language and style, a suitable format, and most importantly time. However, with the advancements in technology and allied changes in HR practices, a new era has unfolded, with professionals called “Resume Writers” and we are a few among them! In simple terms, we are the one who could bridge the gap between two SMEs – ‘You’ and the ‘Hiring Manager’!

What makes us unique is our ability to relate with your career and aspirations as much as you do and create personal branding documents that help you stand-out in the today’s competitive job market. We have been known as “Go-to” person to transform candidate’s documents into a resume which attracts relevant interview calls and hiring e-mails. 

The team comprises of Certified Professional Resume Writers with a vast experience in recruitment and the creation of job search tools. Leveraging our talent acquisition skills, thus far, we have created thousands of resumes for a plethora of roles. We offer versatile experience in writing across all levels and industries, from a Professional Welder to the CEO of a Gigantic MNC as well as an Established Entrepreneur. Our love for language is evergreen and so is the passion for resumes and experimenting with formats. As Certified Resume Writers, we excel in writing resumes of all trades using STAR technique and delighting clients irrespective of industries.

How It Works?

Resume Analysis
Pre-development Call
Query Sheet
Resume Development
Feedback & Approval
Extended Client Support